The Bay Area’s 420 Event Guide

San Francisco is one of the best places to celebrate 420. Music venues across the Bay Area are hosting stoner-friendly acts in the days around the marijuana holiday, setting the mood for some stoney festivities, beyond the annual Hippie Hill gathering.

420 started in San Rafael thanks to five smoker friends who gathered after high school to smoke at 4:20pm. It became a code word to communicate that it was time to smoke. Today, smokers from around the world celebrate 4/20 with overstuffed blunts, packed bowls, filtered joints and tasty edibles.

Here’s our list of the best events and things to do on and around 420 in San Francisco.

Annual 420 Gathering at Hippie Hill
For more than 50 years, Hippie Hill has served as the iconic cultural landmark and gathering point for annual 4/20 celebrations, with nearly thousands of revelers attending 4/20 at Hippie Hill.

420 Fest SF at Dolores Park
While Hippie Hill in Golden Gate Park is the historical epicenter for San Francisco’s 4/20, in recent years an alternate celebration has taken root in Dolores Park.

If you’d like to get yourself in the mood to celebrate the day and need to find a dispensary, check our Map of Dispensaries in the San Francisco Bay Area.


Image Credit: Photo by Justin Aikin on Unsplash