SF International Airport (SFO) Renaming Terminal 1 After Harvey Milk

San Francisco International Airport (SFO) plans to rename remodeled Terminal 1 after Harvey Milk, the first openly gay elected official in the history of California, and legendary LGBTQ rights activist and San Francisco supervisor. Accompanying the changes will be new artwork to memorialize the civil rights hero.

The name change was originally proposed back in 2013 with hopes of naming the entire airport after Milk, however, the proposal faced opposition and instead, stakeholders established an airport naming committee that recently recommended naming just SFO’s Terminal 1 after Milk.

The Board of Supervisors Budget and Finance Committee voted last week on legislation calling on the airport to make the change. The legislation requires the director of the airport to report to the Board of Supervisors and the Mayor by December 1. One of the recent amendments to the legislation includes the placement of artwork memorializing Milk in the terminal, expected in September or October.

Honoring Harvey Milk: A Day of Remembrance, Illuminated Art Installation & Harvey Milk Plaza Re-Imagined

Renovations on Terminal 1 began in 2016 and are expected to continue until at least 2024. Fortunately, the $2.4 billion budget set aside for the renovations should be able to cover the expenses needed for the official name change. According to a Budget Analyst report, the estimated cost for the airport to make the name change is $357,000. This total estimate consists of $335,000 to place a new building sign on Terminal 1 and another $22,000 to replace existing signage like AirTrain Station identification signs, directories, as well as maps of the airport and terminals.



Written by Carlos Olin Montalvo

Follow me @carlosolin