Capoeira (pronounced ka-poo-e-da) is a dynamic Afro-Brazilian art form unique to Brazil, which developed during the slavery era through shared cultural customs, rituals, and fighting techniques. Capoeira was born as an expression of resistance and re... more
Capoeira USA was established by Mestre Urubu Malandro in San Francisco, California in 1996. The group currently conducts classes for adults 6 days a week at various locations in the city. Project Commotion is the home of Capoeira USA classes for Pare... more
Eight Step Preying Mantis Kung Fu is an ancient system of traditional kung fu. Combining throws, joint locks and strikes it is an extremely effective and versatile martial art. A Northern Chinese style, the Mantis forms and sets are wide open and low... more
The Omulu-Guanabara Capoeira group is an international partnership between Omulu Capoeira Group located in San Francisco, CA and Guanabara Capoeira located in Stockholm, Sweden. Omulu Capoeira, directed by Mestre Preguiça and Guanabara Capoeira, led... more
Our organization, Martial Arts in the Public Interest, is a non-profit school with a focus on healing, creating community, and supporting each individual's journey through the martial arts. Our mission is to help instill the concepts of self-discipli... more