Sign the Petition to Support Closing the Great Highway Permanently

On this election day 2020, here’s another chance to endorse a change that would dramatically alter a wide stretch of San Francisco’s oceanfront. For a little back history… recall that the Great Highway has always been a main thoroughfare to get from the northwestern part of the city to the southwestern area near the zoo. Most people driving the route only thought about this stretch for its beauty and as a “slow-mo” drag race challenge – make all green lights without hitting your brakes and you win.

But when the pandemic hit, open spaces were carved out around the city so that people could maintain social distancing and still get outside. Some streets were closed and some discouraged through traffic. The Great Highway was possibly the only main thoroughfare that was closed outright. The result was obviously an inconvenience for drivers. But that was counteracted by benefits for residents of the Outer Sunset and visitor to Ocean Beach. People walked, skated, biked, and played as the former boulevard was turned into a park of sorts.

So, this is where a few civic minded people came together. They proposed the Great Highway Park . This would turn the two-mile stretch of highway into a park. The initiative is a big change and as such, maintaining transparency of thinking via the website and feedback was encouraged. If you think they’re on to a good idea, sign a petition to help make it happen.