Bonfires Return to Ocean Beach

Visitors to Ocean Beach are once again welcome to have beach fires. There are 16 fire rings along Ocean Beach; first come, first serve. Safety is still a concern so please, maintain your pod. The ragers will eventually return, but now’s not the time to lose the ground we’ve gained against Covid. Summer 2021 is looking to be one hell of a reopening. Let’s keep it that way.

The end of February signals the end of No-Burn Season. So, the Ocean Beach Fire Program is once again permitting people to enjoy this Ocean Beach tradition. Bonfire season lasts until October 31st.

Who knows what the weather will hold for the next couple of weeks, maybe this is a little premature, but once you’re ready, the rules for inviting your friends and having a beach fire are pretty simple:

* Fires are allowed on Ocean Beach between 6am and 9:30pm. All fires must be extinguished after 9:30pm (with water only).

* Bring your firewood; don’t burn treated wood or trash.

* No glass or alcohol is allowed on the beach.

* Fires are only allowed in the 16 provided fire rings between Stairwells 15 and 20 – they are free on a first-come, first-served basis.

* Groups of 25 or more must obtain a special use permit.

For more information about recreational fires, visit the Golden Gate National Recreation Area website.