Bouquets to Art Celebrates 35 Years at the de Young Museum
For one week in June, more than 100 Bay Area floral designers will converge on the de Young to showcase floral & natural form displays that are either inspired by or highlight aspects of the museum’s paintings, sculptures, objects, and architecture. This year’s Bouquets to Art runs June 4th – 9th. Passersby of IXIA on Market Street in the Castro have an inkling of how ingeniously beautiful and detailed these works can be.
Beyond the displays, highlights at Bouquets to Art will be the Wilsey Court installation by Natasha Lisitsa and Daniel Schultz (Waterlily Pond) and the lineup of speakers discussing floral design, giving demonstrations, and more.
Speaker Lineup
Flowers for Art’s Sake with Hitomi Gilliam, Tuesday, June 4, 2pm
Then and Now with Michael Daigian, Wednesday, June 5, 10am
Unconventional? Try Wild and Unruly, with Alethea Harampolis, Wednesday, June 5, 2pm
Foraged and Gleaned with Max Gill, Thursday, June 6, 10am
June in Bloom: Opening Night Gala, Monday, June 3, 7–10 pm
Be the first to see the exhibits and enjoy a festive evening filled with visual and culinary delights, featuring exquisite floral fashions designed by City College of San Francisco students. Individual tickets start at $350 – to purchase tickets, please call 415.750.7648.
Bouquets to Art
Tuesday, June 4th – Sunday, June 9th
at de Young Museum, 50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive, in Golden Gate Park