Midnintes for Maniacs Brings ‘Acid Westerns’ to Castro and Roxie Theatres

Resident Maniac of San Francisco, Jesse Hawthorne Ficks, returns November 8, with an “Acid Westerns” triple bill that begins at The Castro Theatre and wraps up at the Roxie Theater.

Kicking things off at The Castro is a Johnny Depp double feature, with this year’s flop The Lone Ranger starting at 6:45pm. Ficks has been vocal in his support of the film as the most underrated picture of the year. Disagree? The ever articulate and persuasive Ficks will surely give a strong, well supported argument on his opinion. That alone will be worth the admission.

If that’s not enough, Dead Man (1995) follows at 9:30pm. Strongly considered one of director Jim Jarmusch’s best films — if not the best — it also boasts a career best performance Johnny Depp. Filmed in black-and-white, the film is an “Acid Western” if there ever was one. With a widely talented cast that includes the likes Iggy Pop, Billy Bob Thornton, and Robert Mitchum and a sparse soundtrack from Neil Young, it’s one that shouldn’t be missed on the big screen.

Following those, Ficks will lead attendees on a Maniacal Theater Crawl to the Roxie Theater for the final film of the night, Alex Cox’s cult classic Walker (1987). The truly bizarre western stars Ed Harris as William Walker, a real life figure who invaded Mexico in the 1850’s and declared himself President of Nicaragua. Scored by Joe Strummer, it’s sure to end the night on a rightfully trippy note.

Oh, and as is usual for Maniacs events, all three films will be screened in glorious 35mm prints.

Head over to the Midnites for Maniacs website for more information.