Revisiting the Ancient Art of Printmaking

Printmaking, the art of creating an image not by drawing directly on paper, but by indirect transfer, has existed in some form for close to a millennium.

Elisheva Biernoff “Out the Window” Photo Credit: Jessica Skloven


A new exhibition, Counterproof: The Other Side of Print, will explore the relevance of printmaking to contemporary art and deconstruct the form itself, while artists retool traditional techniques.

It will also provoke discussion about what it means to create multiple impressions from the same matrix and how the formation of an edition and printmaking itself relates to knowledge of the world and origins.

If you’re wondering what exactly constitutes a print, MOMA has a great virtual tutorial on different printmaking processes.

Artists showing work at Counterproof: The Other Side of Print include Adam Feibelman (Adam5100), Imin Yeh, Elisheva Biernoff, David Linger and The Great Tortilla Conspiracy (Art Hazelwood, Jos Sances, Rene Yañez and Rio Yañez).

The opening reception will be Friday, April 13 from 6pm to 9pm at Incline Gallery. Entrance is free.