The Best French Fries in SF

Do you like them crispy and crunchy or thick and steak-cut? Whichever way you prefer them, there’s no mistaking the fact that SFers love their fries. But out of the hundreds and hundreds of eating establishments that feature the item on their menus, which ones are the best?

The Feast posted their picks on the best set of french fries in San Francisco. While some of their picks had me scratching my head – one thing is correct – these are all memorable.

Making their list are the Gamja fries from Namu featuring: “grilled beef, kimchee, mayonnaise, and sweet chili sauce”; the garlic fries at AT&T park (I also heard these are great); the crsipy shoestrings at Zuni; and the cayenne-dusted steak fries at Farmerbrown.

For the full list, go here.

What do you think – agree? disagree? Is anyplace missing?

Photo credit: Flickr/thousandfold


  1. Add Fifth Floor rosemary dusted fries with pimiento aioli to the list!

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