Pussy Riot Releases New Song and Translated Lyrics

We’ve seen the photos of the three detained Russian women who make up 3/4 of the Russian punk band Pussy Riot. We’ve seen the video capturing the performance art that took place in a priests-only section of Moscow’s Cathedral of Christ the Savior, of which the purpose was to act in peaceful demonstration highlighting a particular relationship between President Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church, and protesting the affects that political relationship has upon Russian citizens. This video complimented the last song Pussy Riot had released before their detainment, until now. The new song is called “Putin Lights Up The Fires”. Since their formation in late 2011, Pussy Riot had been performing in highly populated areas, anonymous and in costume, giving voice to threatened human rights in Russia, as well as speaking up for gender equality and freedom of expression.

Since the verdict was delivered on Friday, sentencing these women to two years in prison, Pussy Riot has shared their new song, “Putin Lights Up The Fires”. The Guardian created a video montage to acompany the new song, putting together photos from the detainment of Pussy Riot, photos of citizens supporting them, and the original video for which the women were accused of being “hooligans”. Translated lyrics of the song can be read below, couresey of @Russian_Market and Girlie Action Media Marketing & Management.




This state may be stronger than time in jail.


The more arrests, the happier it is.

Every arrest is carried out with love for the sexist


Who botoxed his cheeks and pumped his chest and abs.


But you can’t nail us in the coffin.

Throw off the yoke of former KGB!


Putin is lighting the fires of revolution

He’s bored and scared of sharing silence with the people

With every execution: the stench of rotten ash

With every long sentence: a wet dream


The country is going, the country is going into the streets boldly

The country is going, the country is going to bid farewell to the regime

The country is going, the country is going, like a feminist wedge

And Putin is going, Putin is going to say goodbye like a sheep


Arrest the whole city for May 6th

Seven years isn’t enough, give us 18!

Forbid us to scream, walk and curse!

Go and marry Father Lukashenko