Group WarmUp+Facilitated Practice to skill-equalize Follow, Lead, Roletrades in Fusion or Tango. NO AtDoor: TIX only on Eventbrite.$5Wk,$18Mo, Privates $160/4. Every TUESDAY 8-10pm. 8:30pm Late Entry Cutoff. REQ: 4 Wks Experience, Leather Soles or 2Pr Socks. INFO: Text 415-335-6384. *FAQs below.* RSVP on FB:
LEVEL: at least 4 consecutive classes experience in Fusion, Tango or Blues Social Dance Partnering required. Beginners who have never Partner Danced before can book 4 Private Lessons for $160 prior to attending SDS. Experienced dancers can attend with 1 Week, 2 Week, or Month Pass Tickets. TIX Reminder: Buy TIX before you attend for yourself and friends you bring, no walkup TIX.
No Partner Required. Shoes: 1/2 inch heel or FLAT shoes w/ leather soles. NO high heels, NO rubber soles, NO slip-on shoes or boots: must lace or strap. No Shoes? Bring 2 Pairs of Socks: Pair One absorbs sweat, pair two allows you to turn.
7:55pm WARM-UP. Change your shoes, sign in, settle, join Group WarmUp. WarmUp grounds the group in 20 minutes of open joints, good breath, spatial awareness, easeful proprioception and good posture and transferable technique applicable across styles.
ATTENDANCE for ENTIRE SESSION IS REQUIRED.Partners change after each 2-song set, initiated by 30sec audio interludes. Teacher/Facilitators are on hand to answer questions/sidecoach. Practice runs both outer ring Tango line-of-dance and Middle Floor Fusion area-dance to allow practice of different styles of spatial navigation practice, and varying styles of Roletrade mid-song integrated with floor navigation skills. Practice Container is gender neutral, LGBT-inclusive, encourages cis men's catchup Follow skills and cis women's catchup Lead skills.In each duet both dancers work on all 3 skills: Follow, Lead, Roletrades. Music is mix of Electronic Music that supports Fusion, Blues and Tango dancing: AltPop, R&B, ElectroTango, TripHop, Trap. This platonic, team-oriented, focused training environment encourages formation of 4-Person Practice Teams. In each SongSet, partners can opt to dance Both-Role: one song each in Lead and Follow, or dance Switch: continuously inviting and receiving roletrades back & forth (pass, steal & place) throughout both songs. In this Practice environment it's OK to either verbally ask partners to dance (Fusion style) OR practice your cabaceo (Tango’s Look & Nod) to non-verbally change partners.Last week Monthly starts w/ Brief Show & Tell: Practice Partners show off Switch Moves so we all exchange the wins of our Switch Dancing evolution. Use this Weekly Facilitated Practice to even out your 3 Skillsets in this friendly casual setting so you can Switch dance like a badass at those bigger events.
Casual pants with give/stretch that allow you to move in every direction, NO big belt buckles, NO big jewelry. Flat leather soled shoes, or TWO pairs of socks.
For closures for Holidays and Tour Dates, check FB Page/Event and weekly. Closures 2019: JAN 29, APR 30, JUL 2, AUG 20+27, SEP 3, OCT 1, NOV 26, DEC 24. SF SWITCH TANGO AND FUSION is a project of Humilityswim Dance Media (HDM), Check our Page for weekly updates:
SHARE TIX LINK w/ friends:
Ali Woolwich has been a professional Modern/Contemporary Dancer and teacher for 30+ years, taking up Argentine Tango and Blues/Fusion 10 years ago and teaching both forms nationally since 2012. Ali has been Director of Humilityswim Dance Media (HDM) in San Francisco since 1999, producing weekly Class Series, Workshops, and dance conference events in Modern/Contemporary Partnering, performance techniques, dance-for-camera, and Social Dance Forms both locally and nationally for universities, studio professional dancers, teacher training programs, LGBT community organizations and a range of recreationalists: kids, teens, disabled dancers, and elders. Ali's teaching is informed by decades' training and practice in Release Techniques, Dance Conditioning for Movement Efficiency and Injury Prevention, yoga and and massage. See Our Growing ALL-STARS List for other Teachers.
Private lessons with Ali Woolwich are available at 4 SF studios by appointment Wed-Sun.$160 4-Session, with 72 hours notice to book studio times, and $70 per Sitecall (teacher comes to you) Session.To book: 1. BUY then 2. SCHEDULE. 1. BUY: from the Eventbrite Ticketing Menu select this week (for Private Lessons, the "Select A Date" Button is only the Purchase Date not the Scheduled Appointment), then select Private Lesson Studio 4-Session or Sitecall, and complete credit card payment. 2. SCHEDULE BY TEXT: 415-335-6384 with first and last name, dates & times requested. Scheduling requires PURCHASE FIRST. Questions happily answered by text or phone appt prior to purchase.3. AFTER PURCHASE, SEND SCHEDULING TEXT. You'll receive 2 replies to your scheduling text: the first will confirm timeslots, the second will be the address of the booked location within 72 hours of received text.