Sat November 18, 2017

Post:Ballet Presents Lavender Country

Post:Ballet’s latest creative endeavor, Lavender Country, premieres on November 17 and 18, 2017 at San Francisco’s Z Space Theater, with live music by Patrick Haggerty (singer/songwriter of Lavender Country) and his exceptional ensemble of Bay Area musicians. Led by Post:Ballet’s Artistic Director Robert Dekkers and Resident Choreographer Vanessa Thiessen, Post:Ballet’s new work features six dancers performing to the music of Lavender Country. Released in 1973, the self-titled album Lavender Country represented fearlessness and generated outrage as country music’s first openly gay album. Post:Ballet’s new work reflects on Haggerty’s radically defiant music as Dekkers and Thiessen use ballet’s inherently traditional gender roles as a dramatic tension against queer characters and narratives.

“…come out, my dears

To Lavender Country

You all come out and make yourselves to home

It don’t matter here

Who you love or what you wear”

Haggerty’s music uses “Lavender Country” as a metaphorical landscape, a safe place where people can come to be their true selves. The work focuses on human stories, heightened by characters who love, search, and bleed in ways that are painfully visible specifically because of their unchosen differentness. Post and Haggerty hope that audience members, regardless of orientation, will connect with Lavender Country as vulnerable, sexual, and innately human beings.

The dance performance will be followed by a live concert with Haggerty and the Lavender Country ensemble. Audience members are invited to participate in the event’s costume theme, Wild West!

In support of our LGBTQ community, 5% of all tickets sales will be donated to the SF LGBTQ Community Center.

Music: Lavender Country, featuring singer/songwriter Patrick Haggerty and his Bay Area-based band

Direction: Robert Dekkers

Choreography: Vanessa Thiessen in collaboration with the dance artists

Costume/ Scenic Design: Christian Squires

Lighting Design: Dave Robertson
Post:Ballet’s latest creative endeavor, Lavender Country, premieres on November 17 and 18, 2017 at San Francisco’s Z Space Theater, with live music by Patrick Haggerty (singer/songwriter of Lavender Country) and his exceptional ensemble of Bay Area musicians. Led by Post:Ballet’s Artistic Director Robert Dekkers and Resident Choreographer Vanessa Thiessen, Post:Ballet’s new work features six dancers performing to the music of Lavender Country. Released in 1973, the self-titled album Lavender Country represented fearlessness and generated outrage as country music’s first openly gay album. Post:Ballet’s new work reflects on Haggerty’s radically defiant music as Dekkers and Thiessen use ballet’s inherently traditional gender roles as a dramatic tension against queer characters and narratives.

“…come out, my dears

To Lavender Country

You all come out and make yourselves to home

It don’t matter here

Who you love or what you wear”

Haggerty’s music uses “Lavender Country” as a metaphorical landscape, a safe place where people can come to be their true selves. The work focuses on human stories, heightened by characters who love, search, and bleed in ways that are painfully visible specifically because of their unchosen differentness. Post and Haggerty hope that audience members, regardless of orientation, will connect with Lavender Country as vulnerable, sexual, and innately human beings.

The dance performance will be followed by a live concert with Haggerty and the Lavender Country ensemble. Audience members are invited to participate in the event’s costume theme, Wild West!

In support of our LGBTQ community, 5% of all tickets sales will be donated to the SF LGBTQ Community Center.

Music: Lavender Country, featuring singer/songwriter Patrick Haggerty and his Bay Area-based band

Direction: Robert Dekkers

Choreography: Vanessa Thiessen in collaboration with the dance artists

Costume/ Scenic Design: Christian Squires

Lighting Design: Dave Robertson
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