Ocean Ale House

Restaurants , American Restaurant , Bars , Beer , Music , Live Music Venue

We have both, local and global focus with 12 beer taps, 8 wines by the glass and 20 wine bottles.  Our wines range from $6 to $13 a glass, beers start around $5 and top out around $12 for a "super high-end barrel-aged almanac” - call your friends and come on over for some fun!
Owned and operated by Miles Escobedo, Daniel Silberman, and Eric Almazan, Ocean Ale House is a local bar for beer and wine with American food and live music.

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1314 Ocean Avenue, San Francisco, CA

+1 415.988.7521

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Ocean Ale House Event Calendar


Ingleside Cleanup - Volunteer Community Service

11:00am - 12:00pm at Ocean Ale House

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