3Dot Art Gallery’s Grand Opening!

Come check out the newest gallery in town! 3Dot Art Gallery is having a grand opening on May 13th during Alameda's 2nd Friday Art Walk. More than 10 local artists will display a diverse sampling of art including paintings, illustration, photography, mixed media, and wearable art, among others. The show promises art enthusiasts a variety of different forms of creativity. Enjoy interesting art and meet new people in a friendly and creative atmosphere!

The owners of 3Dot Art Gallery include Sara Edge, Dave Sylvester and Bill Weber. Sara Edge has a Ph.D in Marine Biology and Genetics, is a world traveler, and has a passion for art and creativity. She specializes in small sculpture, wearable art, and mixed media pieces that reflect her love of ocean life and nature. She is entirely self-taught and her work has been featured at several galleries and shows in the Bay Area and San Francisco. Dave Sylvester has over 20 years of experience in graphic design and illustration. He has a talent for capturing emotion and movement in his pieces with a distinct sense for developing unique characters. Much of Dave’s work reflects his love of music and whimsical creatures. His work has been featured at shows nationwide, predominately in the Bay Area and San Francisco. Bill Weber is an established Bay Area muralist and painter, and has been creating art since 1974. He has a versatile style ranging from surreal to realistic that reflects an ability to produce innovative and unique imagery. He has appeared in many publications, including books, such as “Painted Ladies Revisited,” “San Francisco in Photographs,” and “Grand Entrances”. His pieces range from large public pieces, such as the “Jazz” Mural in North Beach, San Francisco, to smaller pieces in museums, such as the Maxfield Parrish Museum in Vermont.

"We are about diversity, acceptance, learning and fun. Our goal is to bring artist and art enthusiasts together in a lively and informal atmosphere.” - 3Dot Artists

[email protected]
3Dot Art Gallery’s Grand Opening!

Come check out the newest gallery in town! 3Dot Art Gallery is having a grand opening on May 13th during Alameda's 2nd Friday Art Walk. More than 10 local artists will display a diverse sampling of art including paintings, illustration, photography, mixed media, and wearable art, among others. The show promises art enthusiasts a variety of different forms of creativity. Enjoy interesting art and meet new people in a friendly and creative atmosphere!

The owners of 3Dot Art Gallery include Sara Edge, Dave Sylvester and Bill Weber. Sara Edge has a Ph.D in Marine Biology and Genetics, is a world traveler, and has a passion for art and creativity. She specializes in small sculpture, wearable art, and mixed media pieces that reflect her love of ocean life and nature. She is entirely self-taught and her work has been featured at several galleries and shows in the Bay Area and San Francisco. Dave Sylvester has over 20 years of experience in graphic design and illustration. He has a talent for capturing emotion and movement in his pieces with a distinct sense for developing unique characters. Much of Dave’s work reflects his love of music and whimsical creatures. His work has been featured at shows nationwide, predominately in the Bay Area and San Francisco. Bill Weber is an established Bay Area muralist and painter, and has been creating art since 1974. He has a versatile style ranging from surreal to realistic that reflects an ability to produce innovative and unique imagery. He has appeared in many publications, including books, such as “Painted Ladies Revisited,” “San Francisco in Photographs,” and “Grand Entrances”. His pieces range from large public pieces, such as the “Jazz” Mural in North Beach, San Francisco, to smaller pieces in museums, such as the Maxfield Parrish Museum in Vermont.

"We are about diversity, acceptance, learning and fun. Our goal is to bring artist and art enthusiasts together in a lively and informal atmosphere.” - 3Dot Artists

[email protected]
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2309A Encinal Avenue , Alameda, CA 94501


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