This new version of "Esmeralda," created by choreographers Vasily Medvedev and Stanislav Feco specifically for Bayer Ballet Company is a suite of the best ballet numbers included in the treasury of world classical dance. Based on the Bolshoi production, a one-act edition of Esmeralda was created and designed, especially for young performers of the Bayer Ballet.
The libretto by Jules Perrault and Victor Hugo, based on the novel "Notre Dame de Paris," was shortened and remade by Vasily Medvedev and librettist Yana Temiz. In the Gothic story about the fate of the beautiful gypsy Esmeralda, there are now fewer secondary characters and one main storyline was left. This is a beautiful story of love and jealousy, ending, according to the traditions of the imperial theatres, with a happy end and the triumph of goodness.
This new version of "Esmeralda," created by choreographers Vasily Medvedev and Stanislav Feco specifically for Bayer Ballet Company is a suite of the best ballet numbers included in the treasury of world classical dance. Based on the Bolshoi production, a one-act edition of Esmeralda was created and designed, especially for young performers of the Bayer Ballet.
The libretto by Jules Perrault and Victor Hugo, based on the novel "Notre Dame de Paris," was shortened and remade by Vasily Medvedev and librettist Yana Temiz. In the Gothic story about the fate of the beautiful gypsy Esmeralda, there are now fewer secondary characters and one main storyline was left. This is a beautiful story of love and jealousy, ending, according to the traditions of the imperial theatres, with a happy end and the triumph of goodness.
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