The Cartoon Art Museum presents the art of Christine Mi in the latest installment of its ongoing Emerging Artist Showcase. This exhibit features a selection of Mi's favorite cartoons from newspapers, magazines, and online publications.
Christine Mi is a cartoonist and artist based in San Francisco. She makes comics and games, and is primarily focused on stories in and around nature. Her work has appeared in the New Yorker, Vox, The Rumpus, and more.
The Cartoon Art Museum presents the art of Christine Mi in the latest installment of its ongoing Emerging Artist Showcase. This exhibit features a selection of Mi's favorite cartoons from newspapers, magazines, and online publications.
Christine Mi is a cartoonist and artist based in San Francisco. She makes comics and games, and is primarily focused on stories in and around nature. Her work has appeared in the New Yorker, Vox, The Rumpus, and more.
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