Sat October 19, 2019

Daring Sisters / Atrevidas Hermanas

The San Francisco Girls Chorus (SFGC) and Artistic Director Valerie Sainte-Agathe open the 2019-2020 concert season with Daring Sisters / Atrevidas Hermanas. In a season that celebrates cultural diversity and the empowerment of women, the carefully curated program will pay homage to Sister Juana Ines de la Cruz, one of the first published feminists of the Americas and a champion of women's rights to education, with an evening of 17th century Latin American Baroque music. SFGC will be joined by a variety of Latin American and Spanish Baroque music specialists including soprano Nell Snaidas, who also serves as the program's curator; soprano and SFGC alumna Jennifer Ellis Kampani; and Richard Savino's GRAMMY-nominated chamber ensemble, El Mundo.

As a prolific writer and poet, de la Cruz wrote numerous books on music. Her most significant treatise, El Caracol, was lost along with almost her entire output of music, with the exception of Madre la de los primores, which is included in the program. Highlighted compositions set to her texts include Por celebrar del Infante, attributed to the Peruvian-Bolivian composer Juan de Araujo and A este edificio celebre by Bolivian composer and de Araujo student, Andres Flores. Representing Sor Juana's love of theater and mythology, the program will feature a rare performance of the introduction, or Loa, to the first opera ever to be performed in the Americas, La purpura de la rosa (1701) by Spanish-Peruvian composer Tomas de Torrejon y Velasco.

The evening will also showcase a variety of works by 17th century Latin American composers including Te lucis ante terminum by Mexican composer Juan de Lienas arranged for SFGC by Nell Snaidas. Found in the choir books of the convent of Our Lady of the Incarnation in Mexico City, this work serves as insight into the music that Sor Juana and her sisters might have been singing together during her lifetime.

$10 to $38.

Presented by San Francisco Girls Chorus
The San Francisco Girls Chorus (SFGC) and Artistic Director Valerie Sainte-Agathe open the 2019-2020 concert season with Daring Sisters / Atrevidas Hermanas. In a season that celebrates cultural diversity and the empowerment of women, the carefully curated program will pay homage to Sister Juana Ines de la Cruz, one of the first published feminists of the Americas and a champion of women's rights to education, with an evening of 17th century Latin American Baroque music. SFGC will be joined by a variety of Latin American and Spanish Baroque music specialists including soprano Nell Snaidas, who also serves as the program's curator; soprano and SFGC alumna Jennifer Ellis Kampani; and Richard Savino's GRAMMY-nominated chamber ensemble, El Mundo.

As a prolific writer and poet, de la Cruz wrote numerous books on music. Her most significant treatise, El Caracol, was lost along with almost her entire output of music, with the exception of Madre la de los primores, which is included in the program. Highlighted compositions set to her texts include Por celebrar del Infante, attributed to the Peruvian-Bolivian composer Juan de Araujo and A este edificio celebre by Bolivian composer and de Araujo student, Andres Flores. Representing Sor Juana's love of theater and mythology, the program will feature a rare performance of the introduction, or Loa, to the first opera ever to be performed in the Americas, La purpura de la rosa (1701) by Spanish-Peruvian composer Tomas de Torrejon y Velasco.

The evening will also showcase a variety of works by 17th century Latin American composers including Te lucis ante terminum by Mexican composer Juan de Lienas arranged for SFGC by Nell Snaidas. Found in the choir books of the convent of Our Lady of the Incarnation in Mexico City, this work serves as insight into the music that Sor Juana and her sisters might have been singing together during her lifetime.

$10 to $38.

Presented by San Francisco Girls Chorus
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