Park / Open Space in San Bruno loading... sort by distance
As one of the City's larger parks, Commodore features play areas, a baseball diamond, picnic tables, BBQ pits, restroom facilities and a fully enclosed dog exercise area located at the eastern end of the park. Commodore park is located at the cross s... more
Nestled behind the cities of Millbrae and San Bruno, Junipero Serra affords a spectacular panorama of the Bay Area; unequaled views to San Bruno Mountain, San Francisco Airport, San Francisco Bay and Mount Diablo. Visitors are drawn to the Oak Foothi... more
Sweeney Ridge is a hilly hiking area of ridges and ravines between San Bruno and Pacifica, about a 25-minute drive south from San Francisco. The ridge’s 1,200-foot-high summit, covered with coastal scrub and grassland, slopes down to the bay on... more