Burning Man Reveals Its Theme for 2019: Metamorphoses

Each year, organizers of Burning Man select a theme to inspire creative, experimental, and interactive contributions in mediums like sculpture, buildings, performance, and art cars. The 2019 theme has been chosen. It will be Metamorphoses.

The Burning Man community explores artistic self-expression. Participation and talent sharing for the benefit of everyone is essential. If you’re interested in securing financing to help bring your Metamorphoses themed creation closer to reality, an honoraria grant application process has been established. Submissions will be accepted starting next week, October 16th, 2018.


    “This year’s theme is a celebration of change, and an exploration of uncertainty. As such it invites a consideration of time; not its circular nature, or its attendant ritual, but in this case the relentless flight of time’s arrow, and an embrace of the elusive now. Memory is fickle, and the future is uncertain. None of us knows what they will become, but we can seek to understand where we are at this point in our transformative trajectory, this fleeting chord on the strings of existence.

    “Transformation happens whether we believe in it or not; but if we have learned anything in our Burning Man experience it is that we do have a say in our own futures, that agency is ours if we choose to pursue it. While we may never know the ultimate outcome, there is a shared belief that our dreams matter, and that together and as individuals we have the power to shape our own stories and transform ourselves in positive ways.”

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Of course, art by anyone, regardless of theme, is always welcomed at Burning Man. For those planning fire art or installations on the playa, please visit the Playa Art Guidelines.

Burning Man 2019
Black Rock City, Nevada
Sunday, August 25th – Monday, September 2nd, 2019

Written by Carlos Olin Montalvo

Follow me @carlosolin