Q&A With Mission Pie Co-Owner Krystin Rubin

Why is San Francisco so ripe for culinary adventure? We attempt to peal the surface of this question by asking a few of the restaurants featured at our Get Hungry! gallery show currently up at Lomography SF to reveal a little more about their process, what inspires them and something you never knew…

Photo by Allie Foraker

Tell us something that not many people know about your restaurant.

Mission Pie hosts over two dozen interns a year in collaboration with half a dozen neighborhood organizations that help at-risk youth and adult populations gain vocational and life skills.

What do you feel makes your restaurant unique?

The fact that our menu is defined by local, sustainable, and ethical sourcing and offers food and drink at an everyday price.

What is the most delicious thing you have ever eaten?

My great-grandmother Eva made the most delicious soup in her cramped galley kitchen in Brooklyn. I’ve never been able to replicate it.

When did you know you wanted to be in the business of food?

I was out to dinner, heading to the bathroom and a female chef darted out of the kitchen, past the people waiting in line for the Ladies room and went straight into the Men’s room. I said to myself “these are my people”.

How would you describe the overall concept of your restaurant?

Mission Pie is a bakery and cafe that focuses on sweet and savory pie as a way to celebrate eating seasonally, sourcing locally and ethically, while bringing those conversations down to earth by offering food and drink at everyday prices.

What do you think is the most important ingredient for good food?

The most important thing is that everyone who touches the food-from seed to table- regards it with respect.

What is one thing that inspires you to come up with a new dish?

A beautiful ingredient presented by the people who raised or grew it.

And be sure to check out how Mission Pie looks through a plastic lens on display until Saturday April 28th, more details here.