Celebrate A Fortnight of Fine-Dining

San Francisco’s ever-popular biannual event, Dine About Town jumped off to an exciting start on June 1st and will continue for two full weeks. During that time, participating restaurants throughout the city will be offering 2-course lunches for $17.95 and 3-course dinners for $34.95. Oh, happy day!

Gastronomes from every corner of the Bay Area are jumping for joy at the limited opportunity to try some of SF’s most celebrated cuisine, prepared by world-class chefs in high-end locations with prices that are generally prohibitive to a frugal budget. For this fortuitous fortnight of fine-dining you get to open your senses to some of the most fantastic flavors this city has to offer …and you get to overuse the word ‘fortnight’–that’s always fun. Personally I’m pretty psyched to check out Fish & Farm, Radius and Postrio–three San Francisco gems featuring local ingredients of the highest quality and a level of presentation that elevates a night out into a transcendent experience.

The official list consists of nearly 100 eateries in total. So check it out–you’re bound to find at least a handful of restaurants that you’ve always meant to try but never got around to. There’s no time like the present, especially when you have the gift of discount dining at your fingertips.