SF State Budget Woes

SF State has a $32 million deficit and with state and education funding quickly drying up, the university is facing a monetary crisis. To this end, the school created the 12-member University Planning Advisory Council [UPAC], who released a report today detailing the possible steps SF State would need to take to ease their financial woes.

SFSU reports that UPAC has recommended shifting SF State from “an eight-college campus to a six-college structure. UPAC estimates that the transition will save $1 million by implementing new colleges and combining others. The six colleges include: College of Business, College of Creative Arts and Communication, College of Ethnic Studies and Education, College of Health and Human Services, College of Science and Engineering and the newly formed College of Liberal Arts.two of the colleges.”

Other suggested changes include “streamlining” the College of Extended Learning, reducing faculty, and digitizing resources. You can bet a tuition hike will also be in the mix.

For more, go here.