The Serialized Paintings of Martin McMurray at Gallery 16

Artist Martin McMurray has a knack for capturing the emotional drama and ritual of human everyday life with his paintings that offer a glimpse of the role chance plays in determining events that impact and mold the shape of our lives.

Rumination no. 0172007 acrylic on wood/paper 11.5 x 8.5 inches

Often painting the same scenario in different ways, McMurray alludes to the possibility of a multitude of narratives from the same basic premise or idea suggesting the complex variables at work in determining how exactly an episode may unfold.

Stagecraft no. 0402008 acrylic/gouache on paper 16 x 11.5 inches


Stagecraft no. 0422008 acrylic/gouache on paper 16 x 11.5 inches

The opening will be October 5th, from 6-9 PM. The exhibition will run from October 5 to December 1 at Gallery 16.