Sea of Bees Signs to Team Love Records

Julie Ann Bee has made it to the Super Bowl of Rock and Roll by signing her project Sea of Bees to New York-based Team Love Records, home of Jenny Lewis and Shudder to Think, for her sophomore release, Orangefarben. Can’t wait until May? Click below to stream the single “Broke.”

Since the release of Songs For Ravens, Sea of Bees 2009 debut, Bee has been steadily cultivating her art, has fully committed to the cause and wholly surrendered to the sound. Once a sheltered and closeted Christian living in the  Sacramento suburbs, Sea of Bees acted as a catalyst for change within Bee as both a person and an artist.

On her 2009 debut we were guided through the joy and wonder of Bee’s first love, her emergence as a 25-year-old queer person exploring her new liberation. The songs were sweet, charged and passionate, knowing and wise. But much has happened since 2009. Bee went on to tour the U.S. and  Europe, playing SXSW, CMJ and The Glastonbury Festival (where Beyonce was one of the headliners), and learned hard and fast about the struggles of maintaining a relationship while being a touring musician.

Orangefarben is the result of coping with the loss of a first love and the drive to continue down the very path that hurts you. Bee once again teamed up with friend and producer John Baccigaluppi at The Hangar in Sacramento and enlisted the help of Thom Monahan (Vetiver, The Fruit Bats) to lend a hand in the mixing process. The album is due out May 1, 2012 on Team Love Records. Below is a sneak-peek of the single, “Broke”. If this is any indication of the rest of Orangefarben then get ready for this Sea of Bees to turn into a Ravage of Bees in 2012.

Sea of Bees play The Independent on February 24 as a part of Noise Pop – Wye Oak headline, and Social Studies open. This show is unfortunately SOLD OUT, doors are at 8pm.