Wanna Trade Cookbooks?

If you’re looking to change up your routine eating habits, instead of simply swapping recipes with friends, swap entire books full of new cooking ideas. There is actually an event dedicated to foodies seeking new eats. It’s called a Cookbook Swap and Drive, and it’s happening tonight, Monday, Sept. 26.

Located at 18 Reasons in the Mission, on 3674 18th Street, the event is sponsored by Omnivore Books.  Attendees arrive at 7 p.m. and are asked to bring in their old food-related books, complete with marinara stains and crumbs wedged in the spine. Then, at 7:30, the swapping starts. Find foodies with similar taste buds and cooking styles to trade with, or find new flavors you’ve wanted to try. Then when things begin to simmer, the books left un-traded will be donated.

Even if you only have one or two books to swap, you’ll get the chance to meet fellow at-home cooks like yourself, or learn new ways to prepare plates.

Cookbook Swap and Drive

Monday, September 26, 7pm – 8pm

18 Reasons 3674 18th St, San Francisco

Photo: jhhymas