While shopping Haight Street for the latest ironic t-shirt, stop in Kidrobot, a new store along the main strip. Nestled amongst shops filled with clunky shoes and whispers of "sticky kind buds," Kidrobot will appeal to anyone from dot-com techies to skateboard junkies and Marina prepsters or Mission hipsters. As Kora Thomas, Kidrobot manager explains, "So many different kinds of people come in here-it would be hard to put them in any category."
Crank a Sharper Image store, the Cartoon Network, and Giant Robot Magazine into a Play-Doh Fun Factory and out come the eclectic toys of Kidrobot. Your inner child will scream just stepping foot in the door. Eye candy surrounds you from head to toe: ultra-hip plush toys, small key chains packed with attitude, remote-controlled cars complete with trimming, and animated action figures posing in b-boy stances.
- Excerpt from "Kidrobot" by Cliff Samaniego
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