Fou Fou Ha! San Francisco’s cartoon cabaret ensemble is returning after a sold-out run with their hit show “Whoa-Man! A Musical” at the Shelton Theater every Friday and Saturday in October and November 2015.
Whoa-Man is a satirical look at the lives of four women and the tortures in trying to find “perfection” in a modern world. A story only clowns could tell. Shoulder pads and dance routines will dazzle and elevate you, leaving you wanting more. You will laugh, sing and cry at Fou Fou Ha’s “Whoa-Man! A Musical”.
The cast includes Jasper Patterson of the New Eccentrics, Bobby Barnaby of SF Boylesque, Allegra Davidson, Amelia Van Brunt, Courtney Cavagnero, Janelle La Riza, Lucas Reshi and Dyon Lain. Directed by Maya Lane with a musical score ranging from Broadway tunes to Missy Elliot. Produced by Tommy Arnold. Tickets can be purchased at