Internationally acclaimed actor Roger Grunwald explores a world gone mad in "The Obligation," his riveting and immersive one-person drama. Directed by Bay Area Theatre Critics Circle award winner Nancy Carlin, this celebrated work brings a Polish Jew coming of age during World War II, a half-Jewish first lieutenant in Hitler’s army, a Jewish-American comedian, and a high-ranking SS officer to life onstage in Grunwald’s tour-de-force performance. "The Obligation" offers a provocative and timely look into the corrosive moral dilemmas of World War II and the Holocaust: a time when the unimaginable was the norm and survival depended on the right choice, guile, and sheer luck. Presented in partnership with PlayGround, "The Obligation" is a Theatre Bay Area Awards recommended production.
Internationally acclaimed actor Roger Grunwald explores a world gone mad in "The Obligation," his riveting and immersive one-person drama. Directed by Bay Area Theatre Critics Circle award winner Nancy Carlin, this celebrated work brings a Polish Jew coming of age during World War II, a half-Jewish first lieutenant in Hitler’s army, a Jewish-American comedian, and a high-ranking SS officer to life onstage in Grunwald’s tour-de-force performance. "The Obligation" offers a provocative and timely look into the corrosive moral dilemmas of World War II and the Holocaust: a time when the unimaginable was the norm and survival depended on the right choice, guile, and sheer luck. Presented in partnership with PlayGround, "The Obligation" is a Theatre Bay Area Awards recommended production.
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