The Marsh San Francisco presents the World Premiere of "Border People," the newest solo show by award-winning actor and playwright Dan Hoyle, based on his conversations with immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and border crossers of all kinds. Hoyle began work on the show after the election of Trump in November 2016; as the American immigration debate has grown more heated, Hoyle has worked with increased urgency to complete the work and bring it to the stage.
For information or to order tickets ($25-$35 sliding scale Thursdays and Fridays; $30-$35 sliding scale Saturdays; $55 and $100 reserved seating) visit or call (415) 282-3055 (Monday through Friday, 1pm-4pm).
The Marsh San Francisco presents the World Premiere of "Border People," the newest solo show by award-winning actor and playwright Dan Hoyle, based on his conversations with immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and border crossers of all kinds. Hoyle began work on the show after the election of Trump in November 2016; as the American immigration debate has grown more heated, Hoyle has worked with increased urgency to complete the work and bring it to the stage.
For information or to order tickets ($25-$35 sliding scale Thursdays and Fridays; $30-$35 sliding scale Saturdays; $55 and $100 reserved seating) visit or call (415) 282-3055 (Monday through Friday, 1pm-4pm).
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