Boarding Party presents the last season of the live serialized sci-fi show where the captain always dies.
In the year 2059, we watched as college friends Dr. V and Boris, with their stolen janitorial robot, Plink, ran a ship-for-hire using their college RA's ship, the USS Corolla, until Boris and Plink decided to set off looking for Boris's reclusive mother.
In 2160, we followed the harrowing tale of a rebel ship, the USS Ford Fiesta, fighting the Federation. In its final musical mission, the crew Buzz Aldrin, ?? (Click), and Xenu finally overthrew the Federation with the Federation's own secret weapon, Brad, the super soprano.
Now a new crew of a new ship needs a new captain. Each show, you the audience choose how the captain will die in a never-before-seen horrific, hilarious way. The story is never known in advance, and can never be guessed. Come see the only show guaranteed to delight all carbon-based life forms… Space Trip!
Price: $5
Cast:Anton ShusterPeter ChapmanSean MarneyAnd featuring the ill-fated captain: Marcus Sams
Marcus Sams, Artistic Director of Moment Improv Theatre, has done improv for 17 years and has turned improv into his full time job. He is a producer for the San Francisco Improv Festival, has performed in well over 50 national improv festival shows, and teaches for festivals all across the country. Locally he performs often with various groups and duos including Leela’s Armando Company, Liss N’ Sams and Shades of Grey. Through Moment Improv Theatre he produces improv shows and jams, and teaches improv classes. A few of his students have even gone on to becoming national/international improv performers. He loves science fiction and is thrilled to be the next Space Trip captain.