Embark on a theatrical journey where fascinating tales of Wonder and Shadow unfold. Our performance style seamlessly blends classical Conjuring classic with classical Storytelling. A beguiling blend of solo-performance and enchantment. Our Victorian Parlor show is “Astonishment!” and that is exactly its intent.
We introduce you to San Francisco’s most revered and feared eccentrics, offering captivating tales and astonishing conjuring. The evening’s vignettes are highlighted with magical moments employing unusual curios and rare artifacts.
Time seems to stand still in our little Parlor situated within the historic Chancellor Hotel Union Square. Our whimsical turn-of-the-century venue evokes old San Francisco. We’ve reimagined the ambiance of La Belle Époque that brief moment in history from 1885 to 1910. A magical era when wealthy Europeans dined at Maxim’s and frolicked at Moulin Rouge.
Our Guests Agree!
“A real San Francisco treat, better than Rice-a-Roni!”
“Our first night in San Francisco wisely spent.”
“A must do for any native San Francisco.”
Your Host, Walt Anthony, Conjurer & Teller-of-Tales, is a dynamic performer with more than thirty years of practical experience and formal training in acting, magic and entertainment. Walt has wit, exuberance, and an elegant style, making his performances unique and mesmerizing.
...A cozy and charming place where history and imagination meet: Anthony serves up saucy vignettes about some of The City’s most infamous historical figures...
-San Francisco Examiner-
…shimmering fairy tales are Anthony’s métier… conjuring up a façade of bygone elegance…
-San Francisco Chronicle-
You may enjoy light pre-show dinners, drinks, or desserts, from 5 pm to 7 pm in the lobby lounge.
Embark on a theatrical journey where fascinating tales of Wonder and Shadow unfold. Our performance style seamlessly blends classical Conjuring classic with classical Storytelling. A beguiling blend of solo-performance and enchantment. Our Victorian Parlor show is “Astonishment!” and that is exactly its intent.
We introduce you to San Francisco’s most revered and feared eccentrics, offering captivating tales and astonishing conjuring. The evening’s vignettes are highlighted with magical moments employing unusual curios and rare artifacts.
Time seems to stand still in our little Parlor situated within the historic Chancellor Hotel Union Square. Our whimsical turn-of-the-century venue evokes old San Francisco. We’ve reimagined the ambiance of La Belle Époque that brief moment in history from 1885 to 1910. A magical era when wealthy Europeans dined at Maxim’s and frolicked at Moulin Rouge.
Our Guests Agree!
“A real San Francisco treat, better than Rice-a-Roni!”
“Our first night in San Francisco wisely spent.”
“A must do for any native San Francisco.”
Your Host, Walt Anthony, Conjurer & Teller-of-Tales, is a dynamic performer with more than thirty years of practical experience and formal training in acting, magic and entertainment. Walt has wit, exuberance, and an elegant style, making his performances unique and mesmerizing.
...A cozy and charming place where history and imagination meet: Anthony serves up saucy vignettes about some of The City’s most infamous historical figures...
-San Francisco Examiner-
…shimmering fairy tales are Anthony’s métier… conjuring up a façade of bygone elegance…
-San Francisco Chronicle-
You may enjoy light pre-show dinners, drinks, or desserts, from 5 pm to 7 pm in the lobby lounge.
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