Religion in Oakland (Lake Merritt/Grand Avenue) loading... sort by distance
Healthy vibrant church working together to bring transformation in our community, city, state, country, and world. more
We gather to meditate together, and to explore our experience of practice.  No experience with meditation is necessary, everyone is welcome. We practice in the Zen Buddhist tradition, though people from other traditions are most welcome. We sit... more
First Congregational Church of Oakland image
First Congregational Church of Oakland gives glory to God by reaching out to people of all racial, ethnic and economic backgrounds, ages, abilities and sexual orientations, to welcome them into the beloved community, where together we discover our gi... more
1 Upcoming events
Lake Merritt United  Methodist Church image
Sunday Worship is at 10:30am. Lake Merritt United Methodist Church is an open and welcoming Christian congregation serving God in downtown Oakland. We seek to build a multiracial, multiethnic and multicultural community. We welcome and affirm full pa... more
Sunday Worship at 11am - You are welcome to join us in person in the church sanctuary OR join us on Zoom on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. Jazz and Justice Every Day of the Week. more
Welcome to St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Oakland! At St. Paul's you will see faces of all shapes and shades; you will see families of varying composition; you will see newborns and great grandparents; you will meet life-long Episcopalians and those... more
As an edifice of transcendent beauty, built to stand for centuries, The Cathedral of Christ the Light Center fulfills a diversity of needs for Oakland and the surrounding East Bay communities. The Cathedral is the spiritual home of all the members of... more