Thu August 6, 2015

Racing to Zero Documentary Screening

Racing to Zero examines today’s cultural garbage practices in terms of consumption, preparation, use, and production. Only one-third of the waste in the United Stated is recycled or composted. Why? Industry, through its practice of planned obsolescence, plays a major role; our lives are almost totally dependent on unrecyclable petroleum products, a trend that has broad impacts on our natural resources, climate, and future.

In response, some cities in California have recognized the imminent threat of doing nothing, and are radically reducing the amount of refuse they send to landfills, with the eventual goal of reaching zero waste in the foreseeable future.

Racing to Zero follows the collective zero waste efforts of San Francisco, which is increasing recycling, creative repurposing, and composting, as well as changing patterns of production and consumption. In fact, San Francisco leads the nation by keeping 78% of its garbage out of landfills.

Our leading characters guide us through the various aspects of the story: Robert Haley, Zero Waste Manager for San Francisco’s Department of the Environment; William Rathje, archaeologist, anthropologist, scholar and inventor of the science of Garbology; Robert Shaffer, an agronomist and farmer, champions the values of compost. In their travels around the countryside and conversations with other scholars and experts, they tell the story of garbage, and its past, present, and future.

Film screening will be followed by a conversation with the film's producer, Diana Fuller, director, Christopher Beaver, and editor, Maureen Gosling.

Join the Racing to Zero filmmakers, post-film panelists, and the Earth Island community at a special pre-film reception from 6-7 pm. Reception includes hearty appetizers, wine/beer and reserved seating for the 7 pm film screening.
Racing to Zero examines today’s cultural garbage practices in terms of consumption, preparation, use, and production. Only one-third of the waste in the United Stated is recycled or composted. Why? Industry, through its practice of planned obsolescence, plays a major role; our lives are almost totally dependent on unrecyclable petroleum products, a trend that has broad impacts on our natural resources, climate, and future.

In response, some cities in California have recognized the imminent threat of doing nothing, and are radically reducing the amount of refuse they send to landfills, with the eventual goal of reaching zero waste in the foreseeable future.

Racing to Zero follows the collective zero waste efforts of San Francisco, which is increasing recycling, creative repurposing, and composting, as well as changing patterns of production and consumption. In fact, San Francisco leads the nation by keeping 78% of its garbage out of landfills.

Our leading characters guide us through the various aspects of the story: Robert Haley, Zero Waste Manager for San Francisco’s Department of the Environment; William Rathje, archaeologist, anthropologist, scholar and inventor of the science of Garbology; Robert Shaffer, an agronomist and farmer, champions the values of compost. In their travels around the countryside and conversations with other scholars and experts, they tell the story of garbage, and its past, present, and future.

Film screening will be followed by a conversation with the film's producer, Diana Fuller, director, Christopher Beaver, and editor, Maureen Gosling.

Join the Racing to Zero filmmakers, post-film panelists, and the Earth Island community at a special pre-film reception from 6-7 pm. Reception includes hearty appetizers, wine/beer and reserved seating for the 7 pm film screening.
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