Opening day includes loads of farm fresh cut flower bouquets perfect for Mothers Day. This new certified farmers market introduces many organic growers and food purveyors from the local area. The market will feature long-standing neighborhood favorites. Supporting local family farmers with viable outlets for their crops has been a priority for CFMA says Doug Hayden, President of California Farmers Markets Association, we are happy to be opening a market in Gilroy in May after a long winter with over 30 farmers with the freshest spring and summer crops,gourmet food purveyors with delicious, unique dishes and artisans with hand crafted items.
Local Central Coast crops featured will include organic berries and cherries, asparagus,green garlic, Snow peas, and Pajaro strawberries. There will be an array of farms featuring organic vegetables, spring lettuce mixes, colorful beets and spring onions. First of the season tomatoes and a huge variety of Asian vegetables will be offered including bok choy, pea shoots, mustard greens and sweet potato leaves. Organic fruit and citrus come from the flavor rich San Joaquin Valley.
New food purveyors with savory sandwiches, roasted corn and loaded baked potatoes, fresh strawberry crepes, breakfast specialties are all additions to the new market. Bakeries featuring fresh baked whole grain loaves, pastries will also be in attendance.
The on-site Market Manager, Moti Phillips, provides a lucky shopper with a $50 market basket every month full of nutritious treasures of the market vendors. She says, Its easy to eat healthy with the choices these farmers bring fresh to your table every week. We are
looking forward to the bountiful summer harvest of apricots, peaches, nectarines, picked-in-the-morning corn, peas, squash and artichokes.
The Gilroy Farmers Market will host a craft corner where children are invited to express their art talent and learn about healthy choices for snacks. The new Downtown Gilroy Certified Farmers’ Market is a location approved by the Santa Clara County Agricultural Commissioner where farmers offer for sale only those fruits and vegetables they grow themselves. For more information call the market hotline at 800-806-FARM (3276) or visit