The White Elephant Sale is Northern California's largest rummage sale. Taking place in a full block sized warehouse, this sale is colossal, stupendous, mind boggling rummage sale sale you could ever imagine. It is recycling on steroids, a treasure trove of once-loved items from near and far, a bonanza of one-of-a-kind vintage and contemporary items, a bargain hunter's dream come true. With almost 20 departments in a warehouse nearly twice the size of a football field, there is absolutely something for everyone. Over the course of a year, nearly 1000 volunteers sort, clean, and repair a massive selection of donated goods gathered from all across the Bay Area.
Open Warehouse Days, shoppers have their chance to work their way through the warehouse for a limited number of days. Many shoppers come more than one day as the stock of treasures are replenished throughout the sale.
Each day costs $7 to enter, and anyone can shop for free after 1pm.
On our Clearance Sale Days in March, we open the warehouse for free to anyone who loves a bargain. These are deep discount days so we can empty the warehouse.
Presented by Oakland Museum Women's Board.
The White Elephant Sale is Northern California's largest rummage sale. Taking place in a full block sized warehouse, this sale is colossal, stupendous, mind boggling rummage sale sale you could ever imagine. It is recycling on steroids, a treasure trove of once-loved items from near and far, a bonanza of one-of-a-kind vintage and contemporary items, a bargain hunter's dream come true. With almost 20 departments in a warehouse nearly twice the size of a football field, there is absolutely something for everyone. Over the course of a year, nearly 1000 volunteers sort, clean, and repair a massive selection of donated goods gathered from all across the Bay Area.
Open Warehouse Days, shoppers have their chance to work their way through the warehouse for a limited number of days. Many shoppers come more than one day as the stock of treasures are replenished throughout the sale.
Each day costs $7 to enter, and anyone can shop for free after 1pm.
On our Clearance Sale Days in March, we open the warehouse for free to anyone who loves a bargain. These are deep discount days so we can empty the warehouse.
The White Elephant Sale is Northern California's largest rummage sale. Taking place in a full block sized warehouse, this sale is colossal, stupendous...
White Elephant Sale Warehouse
333 Lancaster Street Oakland,
10am - 2pm
Oakland Museum of California's White Elephant Sale
The White Elephant Sale is Northern California's largest rummage sale. Taking place in a full block sized warehouse, this sale is colossal, stupendous...
White Elephant Sale Warehouse
333 Lancaster Street Oakland,
10am - 2pm
Oakland Museum of California's White Elephant Sale
The White Elephant Sale is Northern California's largest rummage sale. Taking place in a full block sized warehouse, this sale is colossal, stupendous...
White Elephant Sale Warehouse
333 Lancaster Street Oakland,
10am - 2pm
Oakland Museum of California's White Elephant Sale
The White Elephant Sale is Northern California's largest rummage sale. Taking place in a full block sized warehouse, this sale is colossal, stupendous...
White Elephant Sale Warehouse
333 Lancaster Street Oakland,
10am - 3pm
Oakland Museum of California's White Elephant Sale
The White Elephant Sale is Northern California's largest rummage sale. Taking place in a full block sized warehouse, this sale is colossal, stupendous...