Hard Hitta Promotions presents Hannibal Thompson‘s Fillmoe comedy night featuring Reedo Brown from ”The Rel Show” on Fox, Gbiz from 106KMEL morning show & Jay Rich (Bay Area Black comedy competition & Netflix) hosted by Hannibal Thompson (USO comedy tours in Abu Dhab, japan, Korea, Guam, Canada and Kuwait. Also star of The American Dream movie on AmazonPrime) There Will be a 2 drink minimum and an after party after the comedy show. this event is 18+.
Hard Hitta Promotions presents Hannibal Thompson‘s Fillmoe comedy night featuring Reedo Brown from ”The Rel Show” on Fox, Gbiz from 106KMEL morning show & Jay Rich (Bay Area Black comedy competition & Netflix) hosted by Hannibal Thompson (USO comedy tours in Abu Dhab, japan, Korea, Guam, Canada and Kuwait. Also star of The American Dream movie on AmazonPrime) There Will be a 2 drink minimum and an after party after the comedy show. this event is 18+.
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