Hailing out of the San Francisco comedy scene, Frankie is a one-man variety show filled with energy and a rare ability to transform himself from one character to the next in an instant.
He is the founder of For The People Comedy, and has established himself as one of the top comedians coming out of the San Francisco comedy scene. Known for bringing originality to the stage with a fresh urban twist along with musical parodies that will have you at the edge of your seat.
He has become a comedy club favorite and regularly sells out shows in San Francisco and all throughout California. Frankie has also toured with some of the industry's top headliners including the legendary Paul Rodriguez, and has performed for our troops overseas in Japan, Europe, and the Middle East.
Hailing out of the San Francisco comedy scene, Frankie is a one-man variety show filled with energy and a rare ability to transform himself from one character to the next in an instant.
He is the founder of For The People Comedy, and has established himself as one of the top comedians coming out of the San Francisco comedy scene. Known for bringing originality to the stage with a fresh urban twist along with musical parodies that will have you at the edge of your seat.
He has become a comedy club favorite and regularly sells out shows in San Francisco and all throughout California. Frankie has also toured with some of the industry's top headliners including the legendary Paul Rodriguez, and has performed for our troops overseas in Japan, Europe, and the Middle East.
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