A reflection on love, sacrifice and the creative spirit, this candid New York story explores the chaotic 40-year marriage of renowned "boxing" painter Ushio Shinohara and his artist wife, Noriko. As a rowdy, confrontational young artist in Tokyo, Ushio seemed destined for fame. He moved to New York City in 1969, seeking international recognition (he is seen in archival footage with Andy Warhol), but met with little commercial success. When 19-year-old art student Noriko met Ushio she fell in love—abandoning her education to become the wife and assistant to an unruly, alcoholic husband. Over the course of their marriage, the roles have shifted. Now 80, Ushio struggles to establish his artistic legacy, while Noriko is at last being recognized for her own art—a series of drawings about "Cutie," an autobiographical figure triumphing over her challenging past with Ushio. Spanning four decades, the film is a moving portrait of a couple facing life's disappointments with humor and love, told against a background of lives dedicated to art. Directed by Zachary Heinzerling, winner of the Best Director Award (Documentary) at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival.
A reflection on love, sacrifice and the creative spirit, this candid New York story explores the chaotic 40-year marriage of renowned "boxing" painter Ushio Shinohara and his artist wife, Noriko. As a rowdy, confrontational young artist in Tokyo, Ushio seemed destined for fame. He moved to New York City in 1969, seeking international recognition (he is seen in archival footage with Andy Warhol), but met with little commercial success. When 19-year-old art student Noriko met Ushio she fell in love—abandoning her education to become the wife and assistant to an unruly, alcoholic husband. Over the course of their marriage, the roles have shifted. Now 80, Ushio struggles to establish his artistic legacy, while Noriko is at last being recognized for her own art—a series of drawings about "Cutie," an autobiographical figure triumphing over her challenging past with Ushio. Spanning four decades, the film is a moving portrait of a couple facing life's disappointments with humor and love, told against a background of lives dedicated to art. Directed by Zachary Heinzerling, winner of the Best Director Award (Documentary) at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival.
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