Sun February 23, 2020

Conn Hallinan on Peace, Water and Climate Change

Water is a resource easily taken for granted around the world. While it is central to the economies and welfare of the people of Asia and the Middle East, retired journalism professor Dr. Conn Hallinan finds it remarkable that there are virtually no treaties for sharing it. We see a similar impasse when it comes to climate change, as demonstrated at the various United Nations-sponsored and other conferences held to address it.

Dr. Hallinan notes that in 2018, India and Pakistan exchanged minor military attacks, and one of the adversaries threatened to shut down a river system. This would have been an act of war, which between Indian and Pakistan has a significant chance of going nuclear. Such a "local" nuclear war would have worldwide effects.

Thus, he suggests water, peace and climate change are major related issues, and the lack of agreements - indeed, the retreat from other international agreements such as the Intermediate Nuclear Force Agreement and the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty - suggest that other agreements will be difficult to reach. If such efforts fail, peace is at stake.

On Sunday, February 23, Dr. Hallinan will make that case using other examples from the Middle East and Europe. The evening will begin at 7 PM at the Unitarian Universalists of San Mateo, 300 E. Santa Inez Avenue in San Mateo. Admission is free, contributions will be welcome. The UUSM is wheelchair accessible.

Dr. Hallinan is an analyst for Foreign Policy in Focus, which is part of the Institute for Policy Studies. He oversaw the journalism program at UC Santa Cruz for 23 years, and he is a winner of a Project Censored "Real News" award.

Don't miss this talk about the politics of water policy, climate change and peace.

Free, contributions welcome.

Presented by Peace Action of San Mateo County
Water is a resource easily taken for granted around the world. While it is central to the economies and welfare of the people of Asia and the Middle East, retired journalism professor Dr. Conn Hallinan finds it remarkable that there are virtually no treaties for sharing it. We see a similar impasse when it comes to climate change, as demonstrated at the various United Nations-sponsored and other conferences held to address it.

Dr. Hallinan notes that in 2018, India and Pakistan exchanged minor military attacks, and one of the adversaries threatened to shut down a river system. This would have been an act of war, which between Indian and Pakistan has a significant chance of going nuclear. Such a "local" nuclear war would have worldwide effects.

Thus, he suggests water, peace and climate change are major related issues, and the lack of agreements - indeed, the retreat from other international agreements such as the Intermediate Nuclear Force Agreement and the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty - suggest that other agreements will be difficult to reach. If such efforts fail, peace is at stake.

On Sunday, February 23, Dr. Hallinan will make that case using other examples from the Middle East and Europe. The evening will begin at 7 PM at the Unitarian Universalists of San Mateo, 300 E. Santa Inez Avenue in San Mateo. Admission is free, contributions will be welcome. The UUSM is wheelchair accessible.

Dr. Hallinan is an analyst for Foreign Policy in Focus, which is part of the Institute for Policy Studies. He oversaw the journalism program at UC Santa Cruz for 23 years, and he is a winner of a Project Censored "Real News" award.

Don't miss this talk about the politics of water policy, climate change and peace.

Free, contributions welcome.

Presented by Peace Action of San Mateo County
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300 E Santa Inez Ave, San Mateo, CA 94401


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