Stage One of Around the Table: Food, Creativity, Community focuses on universal themes of birth, death, and survival. A metaphorical meditation on sustenance and time, this installation features a deeply personal series of photographs of progressively eaten roti (the round, traditional South Asian flatbread), honoring photographer Jitish Kallat's father. Each image on diaplay represents one of the 22,000 moons that bore witness to his father's 62-year lifespan, exemplifying what Jitish calls the "endless narratives of human struggle."
Stage One of Around the Table: Food, Creativity, Community focuses on universal themes of birth, death, and survival. A metaphorical meditation on sustenance and time, this installation features a deeply personal series of photographs of progressively eaten roti (the round, traditional South Asian flatbread), honoring photographer Jitish Kallat's father. Each image on diaplay represents one of the 22,000 moons that bore witness to his father's 62-year lifespan, exemplifying what Jitish calls the "endless narratives of human struggle."
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