For approximately the past sixteen years, 3A Gallery -- and its predecessor 2AES -- has been an attempt on the part of a single architect, with the support and backing of many other architects, to bring the world of architecture to a public interested but uneducated toward the profession. With its public setting and visibility, 3A attempts to present the world of the built environment to a public at large who would otherwise take for granted the vast body of intellect and force it encompasses.
The events at 3A and its predecessor 2AES have varied greatly over the years. Most evident have been the exhibitions of work by architects and others. These exhibits have typically taken shape as framed two-dimensional work on the walls with miscellaneous (models) three-dimensional work free floating in the space. Other exhibits have included site-specific installations and exhibits of photography related to architecture.
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101 S Park Street
San Francisco
101 S Park Street, San Francisco, CA
Sunday (by appt) , Monday - Thursday (9-6) , Friday - Saturday (by appt)