SF Small Business Permanently Closed Due to Neighborhood Safety Concerns, Not Coronavirus

‪A San Francisco small business permanently closed downtown their downtown location after only a year and a half because it was too dangerous to operate safely before COVID-19. The Billie Marie Goods by Lake Taylor shop was located in the Tenderloin/Nob Hill neighborhood between supervisor Matt Haney and Aaron Peskin’s districts.

It’s not known if the recently approved $50 million Youth Navigation Center across the street had also influenced the decision but the store recently had their windows broken, property theft and injury to staff. They’ve since relocated to the Workshop Residence at 797 22nd Street in the Dogpatch neighborhood.

“The Tenderloin has been my community since I moved to the Bay Area in 2017. While I have certainly had my issues with this neighborhood, there have been so many amazing parts that I will miss dearly” – Lake Taylor

photo by @puts_the_lotion_in_the_basket


  1. Considering that the tenderloin is where police vehicles are broken into, unless the business is a non profit that provides services to the street dwellers, why risk the potential losses unless you have “deep pockets” and enjoy pain?

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