Broke-Ass Stuart Wants Your Vote in 2015

You’re young, broke, beautiful…and old enough to vote.

Stuart Schuffman debuted his website, Broke-Ass Stuart’s Goddamn Website, over a decade ago. Since then, it’s been somewhat of a go-to spot for discovering the best (and most affordable) aspects of San Francisco — including everything from the best free bathrooms to poop in, to where to find cheap and sobering late-night eats.

But Schuffman is not just about fun and games. After several confusing processes and $5,706 in filing fees, his name will be on the 2015 ballot right there next to incumbent Ed Lee as the next Mayor of San Francisco.

With a campaign platform focused on addressing affordable housing and homelessness—two citywide issues that have gained national attention in recent years—Schuffman has his priorities well in line and his work cut out for him in the less-than-four months leading up to the election.

“It’s terrifying and sad,” he says of the rising property costs and forced evictions, which only seem to reinforce chronic homelessness throughout the city. Schuffman has lived in San Francisco for over 12 years, most recently in the SOMA-Mission District, and says it’s “heartbreaking” what is happening to the city.

Once elected, Schuffman plans to sit down with housing authority heads and social organizations to better understand the costs and logistics associated with solving the housing crisis and rising rates of homelessness.

There’s something inherently political in everything I do that’s not always explicit.

Although Broke-Ass Stuart, Schuffman’s online persona, strikes a more comedic chord, he assures both fans and those unfamiliar with his work that his campaign is not altogether random. “There’s something inherently political in everything I do that’s not always explicit.” Broke-Ass Stuart’s website has never overtly flaunted its political leanings, but it has endorsed political candidates in the past, as well as commented on important breaking news events.

In the event he doesn’t win, Schuffman says he’ll still see this as the best career decision he’s ever made. “I’m partly doing this whole thing, too, as a writer…to see how the process works,” he says. “ It’s just crazy to me that there’s no progressive candidates running against him—they’re all afraid of him!”

His campaign has set a goal of raising $10,000 by November 3rd and his discretionary budget will most likely include making buttons and t-shirts to promote his candidacy. After all, he’s not rich – far from it – and he’s banking on regular people to sympathize with his cause and vote accordingly.

“I believe in San Francisco. I believe in what it stands for as a place and as an idea…it has always been a place for people, no matter who they are,” he says. “If you don’t belong anywhere, you belong in San Francisco.”

Go to to find out more about Broke-Ass Stuart’s 2015 mayoral bid.



  1. Melissa Stern June 19, 2015 at 2:54 pm

    You’ve already got my vote!

  2. 4 more years!

  3. Broke-Ass Stuart June 18, 2015 at 4:18 pm


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