Outside Lands Tickets Go On Sale this Week

With SXSW on the immediate horizon and Coachella coming soon, Outside Lands festival organizers are gearing up for 2015 with “eager beaver” tickets going on sale this week.

Mum’s the word on the 2015 lineup (here’s a list of artist likely to performer at Outside Lands 2015), but fans more interested in the overall experience than specifics about performers can snag tickets starting Thursday at 10am.

The starting price for three-day tickets is $285 with three-day VIP tickets going for $645. Parking and shuttle passes will also be available starting Thursday.

Despite a slightly controversial pick with Kanye West headlining, the festival completely sold out in record time last year, several weeks in advance.

Stay tuned for more Outside Lands details as they arrive.

More ticket info on the official festival website.