5 Questions with Chef Adam Keough

Adam Keough is the executive chef of Hayes Valley mainstay Absinthe Brasserie & Bar. Find out Adam’s favorite in-house cocktail, plus what he’d need to survive on a deserted island.

1. What is your favorite cocktail on the Absinthe menu?

21 Hayes – made with gin, cucumber, Pimm’s, lemon, sugar, cucumber slice, and onion.

2. What is your favorite meal of the day to prepare for friends and family, and what are a few items you’d include in this meal?

Early Sunday Dinner:  I love to prepare a large cuts of meat roasted whole such as herb roasted chicken, leg of lamb or beef roast and do a platter of different vegetables with different preparations. Some glazed, roasted or marinated. I like to have a variety of vegetables to add interesting flavors and textures. I always tie everything together with a bold/aromatic meat sauce made with the drippings from the roast.

3. If you were marooned on a deserted island for a week, what five ingredients would you need to get by? (Let’s assume that a refrigerator and a stove were magically stranded with you.)

Evo, salt, pork, rice, asparagus.

4. Where would you tell a tourist to go get the absolute best view that says “this is San Francisco”?

I like the view from Crissy Field.

5. If Anthony Bourdain redid his episode of The Layover: San Francisco and popped by Absinthe, what dish would you hope he ate?

Probably the homemade garlic pretzels, onion soup, and Coq au Vin.



Photo credit: Absinthe Brasserie &  Bar