Mayor Lee Reaches Out to Residents For Budget Suggestions

San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee is planning on holding town hall meetings, “Coffee with Mayor Lee” events and utilizing social media to help reach out to voters to balance the city’s budget and establish priorities that are most important to residents.

Seven “Coffee with the Mayor” events have been scheduled on a monthly basis with the first taking place on Saturday, March 10. Participants will be selected randomly from residents who call 311 and leave their name, contact information and brief details about the issues they would like to discuss with the mayor.

Mayor Lee has also planned six town hall meetings with supervisors to discuss the city’s budget priorities. The first will be held in the Tenderloin on March 29 with Supervisors Christina Olague and Jane Kim.

Lee said he also wants residents to leave suggestions, questions and concerns online via social media sites like Twitter and Facebook. He is also working on setting up a digital town hall meeting on Google+ in the coming months.



Photo Credit: Mayor Ed Lee, via Flickr