Seasonal Cocktails with Scott Beattie

Superstar bartender and author Scott Beattie will share some of his secrets at an exclusive upcoming class at the Boothby Center for the Beverage Arts (1161 Mission St.) At the forefront of the modern mixology movement, Beattie has made a name for himself creating cocktails that infuse the freshness of the seasons into a drinkable form of art. On the last Friday of every month, he will be offering workshops in the city to showcase the invigorating seasonal flavors coming off the farm and into the bar. It’s a unique opportunity to learn more about his innovative style that the Wall Street Journal dubbed, “Garden Shrubbery in a Glass.”

The class is two hours in length and students must be 21 years old to enroll. All materials are included with the price of admission and best of all, you’ll get to consume everything that you make. A brief review of tools and techniques will kick things off, so a basic knowledge of bar skills is helpful, but not necessary. By the end of the evening, you’ll be well-equipped to dazzle your friends with the most cutting-edge libations being served up today.

The first episode of this exciting new series is Friday, January 27th. Tickets are still available here.