Cal Cutting Sports

With massive budget cuts across the board, UC Berkeley plans on cutting two major sports from the university’s athletic roster: baseball and men’s gymnastics. Three other sports which were also on the chopping block – men’s rugby, women’s lacrosse and women’s gymnastics – have been spared. Really? Women’s lacrosse over baseball? Hm.

According to The Chronicle, “Fundraising on behalf of the three sports to be preserved was the determining factor, university officials said, while noting that fundraising by baseball and men’s gymnastics were not up to established criteria.”

But I guess Title IX – the federal gender-equity law – also had a role in deciding which sports to cut and which to keep. With the need to keep things balanced between the number of women’s and men’s sports, baseball (which had the lowest fundraising numbers and is considered Cal’s most costly sport) got the low end of the stick.

To read more, go here.

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