Epic Coffee Cupping

What is the best bean in San Francisco? Tomorrow night 18 Reasons is hosting a “Massive Coffee Cupping” for Good Food Week. In a blind-cupping, you can sniff and slurp through the best coffee in the Bay to decide which one you think tops them all.

As the event site states, “No skipping from roaster to roaster tonight: we have them all in one (small) room! No coffee lover wants to miss this chance. In this blind-cupping, we will line up the Bay Area Good Food Award coffee participants for you to sniff, swirl, examine, and slurp. We’ll start with a quick explanation of coffee cupping and judging, and then let you circle the room, taste the best coffees this coffee-rich area has to offer, scribble on your ballot, and make your final judgment. This event is divided into two one-hour sessions, and advance tickets are required. The fist cupping is from 6:30-7:30PM and the second from 8-9PM.” Note – the 8pm cupping is already sold out!


Thursday, January 20th, 6:30-7:30 and 8-9PM, Ticketed (8PM sold-out)

$10 for 18 Reasons members; $15 for the general public

Tickets: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/143900