One City One Book: Mary Roach, “Packing For Mars”

Ever thought about hooking up in space? Or what zero gravity feels like? I know you have. And so has Mary Roach.

SF Public Library chose Roach’s Packing For Mars: The Curious Science of Life in the Void as the 2011 One City, One Book: San Francisco Reads pick.

The roughly 300-pager is an easy pill to swallow, even if nonfiction isn’t typically your thing. Roach covers everything from firsthand weightlessness experiments to (alleged) self-pleasing space chimps and the strange phenomenon of “space euphoria.”

To celebrate, SFPL is hosting a ton of astronomy and science-related events around the city throughout October and November. Including your chance to meet Roach in person this Wednesday night, get your book signed, ask some questions and meet other space cadets at The Booksmith (a Litquake event I wrongfully omitted from last week’s guide.)

More details here